This program explored basic conflicts of interest rules, including: the general prohibition on adversity to current clients; the definition of “client” for conflicts purposes (including corporations, associations, estates and others); the definition of “adversity” for conflicts purposes (including business adversity, adverse financial impact, discovery of clients and positional adversity); the more subtle standard governing adversity to former clients; determining the status of an attorney‑client relationship; “material limitation” conflicts; consents that can cure conflicts (including the revocability of consents and prospective consents); and much more!
Thursday, December 16, 2021
3PM to 5PM (ET) | Virtual Webcast Only
Presentation & Replay | Now Available | Scroll Down to View
2.0 Ethics CLE Credits Will Be Issued
- Bridget Marsh, EVP & Deputy General Counsel, LSTA, Intro
- Thomas E. Spahn, Partner, McGuireWoods LLP