A presentation of recent proposed bankruptcy-related legislation, academic articles and judicial decisions of interest to the lending community. Proposed legislation includes, the Non-Debtor Release Prohibition Act, the Stop Wall Street Looting Act, and the Venue Reform Act. Academic articles include, “Shocking Business Bankruptcy Law”, by Melissa Jacoby and “Chapter 11’s Descent into Lawlessness” by Lynn LoPucki. Judicial decisions include decisions on actual fraudulent transfer intent (Tribune), good faith defenses to fraudulent transfer actions (Picard v. Citibank), bank-forced management changes (Lockwood Int’l), executory contract (Weinstein Co.), and subchapter V developments (Vertical Mac, Blue, Cleary Packaging), as well as a discussion of recently proposed legislation. Presented by Elliot Ganz, General Counsel & Co-Head of Public Policy, LSTA and Richard Levin, Partner, Jenner & Block.
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