Pages from Green Loan Structuring Agent Engagement Agreement Inserts 17Mar25.pdf

The existence of a Structuring Agent or Loan Coordinator (terms are interchangeable) has become standard in Sustainability-Linked Loans and has carried through to Green Loans. While the language in any loan documentation governing this role is subject to bespoke negotiation, this document offers model provisions relating to the Green Loan Structuring Agentโ€™s role that can be included in a US-style engagement letter, where used. The provisions align with those applicable to the Sustainability Structuring Agentโ€”the Agent serves a similar role as a loan arranger and agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to assist the borrower in its development and structuring of the green loan facility. As is the case for the SSA, there is no continuing role for the GLSA post-closing.

Our entire list of Sustainable Lending Library is available here.



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