Blockchain expert, Aaron Wright, was interviewed by LSTA’s Bridget Marsh in this webinar. A Professor at Cardozo law school and Chairman of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance’s Legal Advisory Working Group, Professor Wright is a renowned thought-leader in the blockchain space and has extensive experience in Internet and new technology issues. Before joining Cardozo’s faculty, he sold a company to Wikia, the for-profit sister project of Wikipedia, where he ran Wikia’s New York office and helped build an open source search engine. He has authored numerous writings on blockchain and has a forthcoming book about blockchain technology (co-authored with Primavera De Filippi) soon to be published by Harvard University Press.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
4PM to 4:25PM (ET)|Webcast Only
0.5 CLE Credit|Available for NYS Transitional and Non-Transitional – Areas of Professional Practice
- Aaron Wright, Interviewee
- Bridget Marsh, LSTA, Interviewer